La educación cambia vidas

Thermo Fisher Pedals for Progress: Building Bikes, Building Futures

February 2023 – Paradisus Hotel – Playa del Carmen


Mochilas preparadas


Bikes Built & Donated


Mochilas entregadas anualmente


Becas para institutos públicos


Total de estudiantes graduados

Team Building with a Twist: Thermo Fisher Gives Back to Playa del Carmen Community

Thermo Fisher Scientific, a global leader in serving science, recently demonstrated its commitment to social responsibility through a unique team-building event in Playa del Carmen. Instead of traditional corporate activities, the company chose to make a tangible impact on the local community by partnering with KKIS.

Empowering Students Through the Power of Pedals

The event saw Thermo Fisher employees roll up their sleeves and assemble 10 bicycles, which will be donated to KKIS scholarship students. This hands-on approach allowed the team to experience firsthand the positive impact their actions can have. By providing these bikes, Thermo Fisher is helping students overcome transportation barriers and access educational opportunities more readily.

KKIS is incredibly grateful for Thermo Fisher’s generous donation and their dedication to making a difference. Their support aligns perfectly with our mission to empower students in Playa del Carmen through education and scholarships. We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential, and partnerships like this bring us one step closer to achieving that goal.


Thermo Fisher in Playa del Carmen

| The KKIS Project
| The KKIS Project
| The KKIS Project
| The KKIS Project

¿Desea organizar una actividad de formación de equipos?

Inspired by Thermo Fisher’s dedication? US companies and individuals have many ways to partner with KKIS:

  • Apoye nuestros programas: Ayúdenos a ofrecer oportunidades educativas a estudiantes que lo merezcan.
  • Ofrezca voluntariamente sus conocimientos: Comparta su experiencia y marque la diferencia.
  • Corre la voz: Concienciar sobre la importancia de la educación en la Riviera Maya.
  • ¿Desea celebrar un evento de team building? Podemos proporcionarle nuestro socio recomendado para actividades y formación de equipos para todas sus necesidades. Desde mochilas, a la construcción de bicicletas a sillas de ruedas y muchas otras actividades para ayudar a la comunidad con su propio evento.

Póngase en contacto con nosotros hoy mismo en para obtener más información sobre las oportunidades de asociación.

Mochilas preparadas



A recap of the event and delivery of Bikes

Keeping Kids in School & Thermo Fisher

| The KKIS Project

“Receiving this bike is another demonstration of my goals becoming reality, thank you Thermo Fisher


Senior University Computer Systems Student

Visión KKIS

Mejorar vidas mediante la educación.

KKIS (Keeping Kids in School) works to build stronger communities in Playa del Carmen by eliminating financial obstacles to public education. We believe every child deserves the opportunity to learn and succeed, and we are dedicated to making education accessible and affordable for promising students in our community.

Misión de KKIS

At KKIS (Keeping Kids in School), we believe that education reduces poverty, improves lives, and builds stronger communities. Recognizing that education is often unaffordable for many families in Mexico, we remove financial barriers to keep kids in school.

Nuestros programas proporcionan ayuda financiera y ayudan a los estudiantes a desarrollar habilidades lingüísticas, vitales y laborales esenciales.

A través de una combinación de ayuda financiera, conexiones comunitarias y apoyo educativo, logramos una impresionante tasa de graduación de la escuela secundaria del 86%, en comparación con la media nacional de menos del 50% en todo México.

| The KKIS Project

Nuestro éxito se debe al generoso apoyo de particulares y empresas que comparten nuestros valores y visión.

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