Donate to KKIS

Donations help the Promising Students of Riviera Maya realize their Dream of Graduating Public High School.

Thank you! Your donation will help a student in Riviera Maya realize their dream of graduating!

Many students living in Mexico are not able to go to public high school because their family lacks the necessary financial resources to pay for grades 10, 11 and 12. Students must apply and pay administration fees, buy books, uniforms, etc. Often this amount is not in the family budget, that’s where your donations come in.

We believe every child deserves an education and at KKIS we act as the bridge from you kindness to to seeing students achieve their dreams of graduating.

Together we’re working to change lives and change the community by empowering a student to graduate.

Your monthly donation provides stability and assurance that the students can prioritize their education. It also changes a families dynamic for generations 

I want to help a student achieve their dreams by providing them with the opportunity to graduate.   

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High School

The benefit of a student staying in school changes lives. Public high school has a costs and is not 100% free in Mexico.

Your donation will ensure high performing, financially challenged students can graduate from high school and go to university. 

1 year of high school costs $650 usd for 1 student.


The opportunity for a university scholarship is offered to graduating KKIS High School Scholars. Help these promising students continue their education to achieve a job in their field of study.
1 year of university costs $2,800 usd for 1 student. 

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I’d like to Keep Kids in School with a financial contribution:

School Supplies: For Elementary Students

Food Supplies (The KKIS Project)

School supplies area a steppingstone to every childs education. Having correct tools to do the work helps students excel at their highest potential with a smile on their face. Each backpack filled with a years worth of supplies only costs $25usd. Teachers tell us they spend class time away from teaching to find paper and pencils for the students to learn. Imaging going to class without a pencil!

English Classes: English Lessons

In the Riviera Maya, one of the most celebrated tourist destinations in all of Mexico, those entering the workforce who speak Spanish AND English will fare significantly better than those who speak only Spanish. For this reason, KKIS has committed to supercharging its English program. We offer all scholarship students 2 classes per week. Our cost is over $10,000 USD / year.

Tech Drive: Phone, Data, Laptops

Technology is a modern school supply – a required tool without which, learning is significantly limited. KKIS provides $10/month for phone data for our high school scholars and provides laptops to all new university scholars. All of us rely on hardware and software to communicate, calculate, and keep records. KKIS spends about $18,000 usd per year on technology. Help provide much needed technology.

I want to become a Fundraiser

There are many ways to help support the work  of KKIS. Become a volunteer fundraiser by creating your own donation campaign and empower students to graduate. Ready to get started? Create your fundraising page now. It’s super easy.

KKIS: 12 Years & Counting

In-Kind Donations

School Supplies Needed

  • Pack of 12 colored pencils
  • Pack of 24 colored pencils
  • Pack of 12 markers
  • Erasers
  • Glue sticks
  • Sharpened pencils
  • Simple calculators
  • Highlighters
  • Sharpeners
  • 4GB USB (or larger capacity)
  • Red pens
  • Blue pens
  • Black pens

Drop-Off Location

Donate to KKIS Today

Helping Students in Mexico, One Student at a Time

Help us keep kids in school. Let’s do something great together!

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