Get involved! KKIS and Tranont Work Together to Impact 1 Billion Lives

Get involved! This summer, a special message landed in the KKIS inbox:  “Hello! Our company is coming to the Riviera Maya in September and we would love to get involved… Let me know if there are options.”  This quickly set the ball rolling and turned into a powerful collaboration with a health and wellness business […] ... Continue Reading »
By: Melina Molina 
on: September 30, 2021

Get involved!

This summer, a special message landed in the KKIS inbox: 

“Hello! Our company is coming to the Riviera Maya in September and we would love to get involved… Let me know if there are options.” 

This quickly set the ball rolling and turned into a powerful collaboration with a health and wellness business from Utah.   

Tranont was founded in 2013 and has spent the last 9 years helping individuals and families improve their health, create more wealth, and leave a lasting impact. 

In September, they chose to make that mark through donating and packing school supplies in the Riviera Maya with KKIS!

Russ Losee, COO, and Co-Founder of Tranont is the oldest of 9 children, and the oldest grandchild on both his father and his mother’s side. 

“I was always taught that I needed to take care of my family members, my younger siblings, and then set the example for my cousins and individuals. My parents really loved to give back and be of service, so that is something that was taught to me very early on.”

This sense of service is embedded into Russ’ DNA, and is the main reason why they chose to build their organization around three core values or pillars: 

  • Health
  • Wealth
  • Community

“When we started the company, we wanted service to be a core piece of our foundation and one of the pillars to our success.”

Helping across borders

The work that Tranont does gives them the opportunity to travel the world and work with all kinds of communities. However, one thing seems to be apparent anywhere you go. 

“As you travel to different places, the thing that stands out to me the most is that there is a need regardless of where you are. Whether it is in your back yard or in neighboring countries all around the world, there is a need for individuals to give back and to provide service in some form or another.”

This inspired the team to establish a powerful goal: “Change life: We are on a mission to impact 1 billion lives for good.” While this task may sound astronomic, the Tranont team knows that all it takes is to take action.

“Our goal is to impact a billion lives in 20 years. Right now, I think we are up to 6 or maybe 7 million people that we have impacted in some way or form.”

So how are they getting all of this done? In hundreds of different ways! 

For starters, their Human Resources department plans and schedules a service-oriented activity once a month for the entire Tranont team. Participation is high and these activities are greatly anticipated by the team and include food and toy drives, delivering meals to first-line responders, and delivering school supplies.

They have also created something called “The Tranont’s Lift Where You Live Award”, a way to honor and recognize team members who exemplify the Tranont spirit by contributing their time, talents, and dedication to helping their communities.” Whether it be hosting a toy or food drive, creating Valentine’s cards for seniors, volunteering with local organizations, or distributing meals to people in need, there is always a chance to do good in the world.

Leaving a mark in the community

“One of the things that has evolved as we have grown is that we really want to give back in all of the communities that we are in. Whether that is at an event like an international convention, or if it is just in a local community initiative, we really want to provide some kind of service in all of those areas.”

As the team found themselves traveling to the Riviera Maya in the fall, The KKIS Project’s Mission Statement resonated deeply with their company, because of their own attitude towards education. 

Education changes lives

“One of the things that is core to our beliefs is that education is so critical to change. Our tagline is “to change life”, and we believe that change happens through education. Everything that we do starts with a foundation through education.”

Clad in bright green t-shirts, the Tranont team dove right into packing backpacks of school supplies at their hotel in the Riviera Maya, in a solid display of teamwork. 

Days later, they set out to distribute the bags at Cristo Rey, one of the most marginalized communities in Playa del Carmen, in the Riviera Maya. 

In total, they packed and delivered 120 students bags and 4 teacher bags at Cristo Rey Kindergarten, and packed and delivered 419 students bags and 11 teacher bags at Cristo Rey Primary School, impacting a total of 554 lives! 

On being grateful

So how do they feel? Grateful. 

“A lot of people would say our organization has been blessed with success and we realize that and feel that there is an opportunity to give back with that. We also feel that because we are involved in so many give-back initiatives, that’s why we have this success. It has been awesome!”

Besides getting noticed for their business, Tranont find more and more people interested in their community initiatives. 

“What we get asked all the time is: How do I get involved? 

There are so many people that just sit on the sidelines thinking if I can get involved in charitable initiatives or humanitarian initiatives I would do it if I just knew what to do. 

What we tell people is: just get involved! Look in your back yard, because there is need everywhere. You don’t have to go far, you can do things as simple as a food drive. 

At KKIS we agree with Tranont’s recommendation to open your eyes and say, I want to get involved!”

Learn more about Tranont here.

Donate to KKIS here.

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