4 KKIS Student Stories About High School Graduation That We Love

on: March 08, 2022
By: Melina Molina 

This week we continue with our ongoing series The Journey to Graduation.

Previously we talked about the ways in which KKIS helps prepare students for life after high school. This week, we finish the high school years with stories from 4 KKIS graduates.

These students have all gone on to university, and each one has a similar, yet unique, take on being a high school graduate in Playa del Carmen. Their words say it better than we ever could, so with that we present to you Alan, Viviana, María and Carlos.

student | The KKIS Project

Alan Rodrigo

When I got to my final year, I felt that time had passed too quickly, that I no longer had options. But I also felt brave in facing the next stage in my life.

I had spent two years thinking that I still had time to decide until the last year came, so I began to investigate different universities. I decided on my career when I saw the different study plans of the careers.

KKIS was always encouraging, regardless of whether we got the university scholarship or not. KKIS gave us different options to continue both academically and professionally. Having goals helped me even more.

Both of my parents were very happy when I graduated. Thanks to KKIS and those who supported me, I knew that I had already taken a big step. Now I could go on to the next. My parents told me that they are proud of my goals and pushed me to make an effort in my studies.

Within my family, I am the first to graduate high school. This has been my main source of motivation and commitment to continue my studies. I believe that one can achieve what one sets out to do.

To KKIS I want to say “Thank you very much” for all the time and attention you have given me. I appreciate your support so that I can continue studying and the sponsors for making donations. They make it possible for me to continue studying for my degree.

Alan is currently studying Psychology at Riviera University.

Viviana Yáñez student | The KKIS Project

When I got to my final year of high school, I started thinking about what I wanted to study and what I wanted to do in the future. That scared me at first. To be honest, I still hadn’t decided what I wanted to study, I just thought about what best suited me at the time.

KKIS helped me organize my ideas and think more about what things I wanted to pursue and what would work best for me. KKIS provided advisor sessions where they made me feel that I could achieve whatever I wanted. I had 3 mentors in my 3 years of high school. They were all women and each one taught me something different about myself and my future possibilities

When the year was over and I graduated I felt happy and satisfied, although a little sad. It was online and I couldn’t see my classmates again. They didn’t give me my diploma, and I was one of the people with the highest average in my class.

Afterwards my parents congratulated me and I felt happy. The changes in me were more personal than anything related to school. I’m the third person in my family to graduate high school, and I was able to take one more step further to improve myself.

I feel grateful to each and everyone at KKIS. They have directly and indirectly helped me. I want to graduate from university and practice accounting. After I have gained some knowledge and experience, I want to help KKIS whatever way I can.

Vivian is currently studying Accounting under the KKIS Wings Program.

María Leal student | The KKIS Project

When I finally graduated I felt happy. It was not what I imagined. The pandemic changed many things that I wanted from my graduation, but the satisfaction of having graduated continued. My family felt very happy for me. They had given me their support to continue studying.

I’m the first in my family to finish high school and continue with my studies. Sometimes I underestimate myself, but knowing that I am the first in my family to continue studying motivates me.

The KKIS advisor sessions really helped me. They helped me establish goals for myself and then go and fulfill them. Thanks to this I decided to study architecture. I had several advisers and they were all very understanding and direct.

After graduation I had a short vacation and was able to go out with friends and spend time with my family. I was able to have time for myself and study a little about the career that I would pursue.

The truth is that I am very happy to be with KKIS for almost 4 years now. They have been a great support for me and I can only say: “Thank you very much for everything you do for all the students you support, I wish you the best.”

María is currently studying Architecture at Technológico Universitario Playacar


student | The KKIS Project Carlos Jair

My third year was the most important of high school. It was also my first year being sponsored by KKIS. I dedicated my time, soul and effort to study for the entrance exams, and my high  school’s calculus competition.

I think that by my third year I was not surprised at the great challenges I was about to undertake. I was regarded as mature for making my own decisions about the future.

My KKIS advisory sessions taught me how to make decisions, where pros and cons must be considered, and the context in which they are developed.

KKIS taught me that I could give back to my community. This is why I’ve chosen to study for a career as an environmental engineer. I want to develop projects that focus on protecting the environment.

During my last year of high school the pandemic began. I learned that the world and life are constantly changing and we should not avoid it but rather adapt.

KKIS was the key for me to start planning what I would do and how I would do it after I got out of high school. Thank you for the opportunity to obtain a university scholarship to pursue my dream. You have given me the boost that I needed.

Carlos is currently studying Environmental Engineering

How You Can Help KKIS

For over 10 years, KKIS has been supporting students from kindergarten through university by removing obstacles so students can stay in school. High school and university scholarships are the most powerful ways to positively change lives. Educating one child impacts the whole family.

You can help KKIS by donating today

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